Assalamualaikum w.b.t..alhamdulillah..segala puji bg Allah ats segala nikmat yg kita peroleh pd hari ini..moga kita terus berada dalam golongan hamba2 yang diredhaiNya..insyaAllah..
malam ni, just a very simple entry..ttbe rse nak tulis something..want to remind myself about the responsibility that i hold right now, here in IIUM Kuantan...insyaAllah..
to be a doctor..that's the reason why MARA gives me money..duit yg sy dpt adlh duit rkyat Malaysia, duit bayaran cukai drpd ibu bapa atau pekerja2 kat, in the day of judgement, I might be asked by Allah, with what do you spend the money that was given to you???
yes, i came here to be a doc, a doctor to serve the mankind, a doctor to spread the beauty of Islam..that's it!! my, I should focus!!
*Moga Allah terus bg kekuatan....