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Sunday, December 9, 2012

driver vs doc

hmm...i'll try my best tuk tulis ngan secepatnye, insyaAllah...the idea just come and I just cannot resist to write this, though tomorrow i'll be sitting for my first end block exam as a first year med student :) pray for me ya!! :)

ni satu analogi yg sy cipta sndiri (yeke??) hehe..ntahlah..but it's a nice analogy actually...i always imagine that being a doctor is more or less the same as driving a car..why?? cuz both of these things need skills, patience, considering others..n bla..bla..bla..the one yg expert bw kete of course lg fhm kn?? :)

nih kete idaman sy..haha!! poyo je..action je nih..bkn btol pown :)

sepnjg duk kuantan ni, alhamdulillah dah dua kali try bw kete..n 2-2 kali tu gak la sy sesat..keh3..buat malu je, bw kt kuantan pown da sesat, mcm mne la aku nk drive kt k.L (hati kecilku berkata) :)

btw..actually, what i want to share here is that, ble kte first time bw kete (aft dpt lesen of course), the people yg nek ngan kte comfirm x kn rs selamat...kte bw laju ckit da menjerit, mcm2 la kan..n we, the driver must always try n try n try..of course mle2, no bkn mle2 je..setiap kali nk melngkh msk ke sit driver, sy akan sgt2 nervous (walaupun dan nk hampir sethn dpt lesen)...n then along the journey, mcm2 la terjadi..kdg2 kete mati tgh jln, pastu kne hon ngan org blakang (i'm talking about manual car)...kdg2 slh tgk lampu isyarat (bhye nih), kdg2 gear x selari ngan speed, lpe nk bke lmpu time drive mlm...hehe, these were all the mistakes that I already done!! so many right??

but, that's it!! camtulah cr nk blaja..nk bina skill..we have to always practice n practice without stop..n also we have to be brave enough to try la..n don't forget tuk berdoa byk2 sblom drive spye x accident (nauzubillah)...

so, why td sy ckp analogi nih lbey krg cam keje doc gak..act bkn doc, architect, teachers..and all those jobs yg memerlukan mcm2 first, mmg org akn ssh nk caye kt kita, but we cannot give up!! we have to always learn and learn n practice so that our skills can be better...esp doc la kn..kdg2 patient klo tau je doc tu doc br, mesti dy rse cm, uish, ley caye ke doc nih??
(me too will be like if i'm the patient), it's normal you know!!

x perlu la terasa sgt klo org x confident ngan kita at the early beginning tu :) 
(actually memujuk diri gak utk trus practice drive, cuz my passengers still don't believe in me when i'm driving) T_T 

so, the conclusion is, it's normal to do mistakes at the early beginning..kita x ley terus tetbe jadi expert..remember, all those steps, the mistakes..the experts tu, dorg pown actually mengalami bnda yg sme..that's the process of learning..sme gak la cm tyme kte mle2 nk blaja berjln kn..kte asyik jatuh je, tp skang nih..tgk!! kte mmpu melangkah dgn yakinnye ats muka bumi Allah nih :)

lg satu, walaupun kita ley wat silap mle2 tuh..kte x ley la repeat the mistakes dah..(tapi kdg2 kte kne buat mistakes yg sme 2-3 kali baru kita ingat kan??), pe2 pun kte blaja dr keslhn, at least we try our best to not do the same mistakes again, insyaAllah...

wallahu'alam..btw, don't forget to pray for me and my batch for this coming exam..barakallahufik!! 
smile :D

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