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Saturday, May 19, 2012

for You...

Fiz of all..sorry sbb terlmbat menunaikan the way, I guess you already know your aim right now..hrp2 awk da tau la matlamat awak sekrg..menuju kepada Allah dgn cara apa?? The answer lies in you yourself..

Saya x tau situasi awak skang cmne..i mean secara psikologinya..apa yg awak rs sekrg, pe yg awak fikir, I really have no idea what should I write now...

Tp pe2 pun, janji ttp tulis ni, bdsrkan msg yg awak bg beberapa mg lepas..I replied with this..

“Don’t depend on anyone in this world because even your shadow leaves you when you are in the darkness”  (Imam Ibn Taymeeyah)

Pd pandangan awk, yes..maybe nasib menyebelahi awak..kat besut de peneman, kat pc de kawan, kat plkn de..kat u pun de..tapi sampai ble? Sampai ble awak nak bergantung pd dorg? Manusia takkan selamanya ada ngan kita, saya pun x kan selamanya mampu jd pendengar mslh awak..cuz people will that’s why you have to learn..learn to be independent! That’s the first point..

Second point,’s not something that we can gain in one or two days..memang rupa prs kdg2 mempengaruhi keyakinan..i admit it, it’s like a bonus to look beautiful..tapi x semestinya org kurg cantik x mampu are the product of your thought! Cam mne awak fikir ttg diri awak cam tu lah org pandang, change your way of thinking!! Think that you are great! Be positive! Only then you’ll gain confidence..

Umur kita sekrg..19 thn, biasanya waktu umur cmni hbgn anak ngan mak atau ayh cam, you and your mom should be friends, you should feel free to talk anything ngan mak awk..we are big enough to think and decide our own way of life..discuss face to face about how do you feel, what do you want, your opinion..klo awak x cuba skang, awk mungkin menyesal satu hari x kte awak pasti awk mungkin akan menyesal..itu point ke3..

Lagi..hmm, maybe last is a choice..klo awak pilih nak terskan ngan diri awak sekrg..klo awak pilih nak terus ngan cara pemikiran awk sekrg..klo awak nak trs ngan sikap awak sekrg..i don’t know what is the result..and also if you decide to change it’s also your choice and I also don’t know what is the result..pe2 pun sy hanya mampu support dari jauh..segalanya terserh pada choose your way of make the best choice! And bare in are very precious, so love yourself..

that's all i guess..sory klo de kte2 yg menyakitkan hati..