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Thursday, December 15, 2011

UNtiTLed..(x tau nak bg tjk pe)

The best thing that I learnt this week was that if you want to see how was your attitude when you were a child, just look at your younger sister or younger brother..well, i don’t know whether this theory is true or not bcuz it’s my own theory and my own, it can be wrong or maybe true! Whatever it is, it’s not the main thing that I want to share here..

Let’s focus on the main topic. Yesterday, I was going back to UIA from my hometown. Like usual, I took a bus at night and arrived KL at about 5.oo a.m. I had to ride another bus to go to UIA. When I arrived at KL Sentral, I went to the bus station. Only I with an unknown guy were waiting for the bus. I thought there were not many people bcuz it was too early but then, I read a notice saying that the bus station moved to the other place..which was quite far from the first place. That’s explained why no people there. So, we were waiting for nothing! But I was not really sure about that so I just go without telling the guy about the notice. And I feel guilty until now for not telling him cuz I didn’t know what happen to him after that, maybe he took a taxi, or maybe he read the notice, I didn’t know….

The message that I want to tell you is, if you want to help someone, don’t think twice..just do it. But in my case, I don’t know, maybe because he was a stranger, no other people there and it was so early in the morning(not really early actually) so I was not brave enough to talk to him. Actually it happens a lot of time when I really want to help the people but my body doesn’t move making me feel bad about myself for not helping them. My ustaz told me that if you think before you do something, it means that the attitude is not yours. Just like my case just now, I want to help people but I think before I help the people which means that helping people is not my attitude or ‘akhlak’.

Jadi sahabat2, teman2, rakan2, adik2, kakak2, abang2…(tetibe je tukar b.M, sbb mood nak tls b.I dah hilang) mcm mne kte nak jadikan menolong orang tu atau pe2 je nilai2 yg bek sbg akhlak kita? Waktu kelas BTQ(basic themes of al-Quran), de orang tanye ustaz,

“cne klo kita x nak buat perbuatan baik tu sbb kte takut riak(menunjuk-nunjuk)? Boleh ke?”

Pastu, ustaz ana jawab pe? Jawapannya lebey krg cam ni la..

“klo kamu x buat sbb kamu takut riak, tu maknanya kamu mmg dah riak. Sbb cne kamu tahu kamu akan riak sdgkan kamu tak buat pun lagi bnde tu..klo sblm buat pun kamu kata kamu akan riak, maksudnya ble buat mmg comfirm la kamu, better buat + riak, daripada tak buat + riak, sbb kamu buat ke atau x buat ke, kamu akan ttp riak gak,”

Dialog tu tlh ditokok tmbah oleh isinya lbey krg la..balik pd soaln, cne nak tanam sikap mahmudah dalam diri is by practicing the virtues(walaupun takut riak)..practices make perfect! Berlatihlah sehingga nilai itu jadi sebati dlm diri kita, n cne nak hilangkan riak?

Jawapnnya ialah jihad al-nafs..jihad melawan nafsu, mula2 mungkin perasaan tu akan ade, so istighfar byk2..minta pertolongan Allah dalam bermujahadah, insyaAllah..lme2 kita akan mampu lwn perasaan tu..

Hari ni terasa cam dah terlebih pjg plak blog nih..pe2 pun ana harap penulisan ni sedikit sebanyak jd peringatan buat kita semua, insyaAllah..

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